为企业关键交易需求量身定制的虚拟数据室(Virtual Data Room)。行业领先的技术及服务为您的融资并购、尽职调查、投资者沟通、机密文件分享、许可交易、临床试验等多种场景提供全方位的保驾护航。





Reference: https://www.dfinsolutions.com/insights/fact-sheet/venue-virtual-data-room-key-document-feature

Venue’s new Key Documents feature offers analysts insights into the seriousness of a buyer. Donnelley Financial Solutions (DFIN) is the first in the industry to automate this information into an intuitive, accessible dashboard.

  • Flag files as Key Documents with a simple icon
  • Identify in real time which users have accessed Key Documents and when
  • Export reports on Key Documents and the percentage viewed

Designate Key Documents

To designate a Key Document, select the key icon next to the file.

Report on user engagement

When a deal is on the line

When analysts are pushing through a deal, every moment counts. With the Key Documents feature, you can update managing directors immediately about who viewed a deal’s most important files.

Rather than spend precious time generating filtered reports, analysts can identify the most interested bidding groups in seconds. If a user hasn’t reviewed or downloaded a Key Document, they may not be a top contender.

These instant insights empower analysts to accelerate the pace of a deal and pursue the most interested groups without the lag time or administrative effort.To learn more, download the fact sheet below.


Venue’s Key Document Feature